How to turn on invisible mode in Whatsapp?

The digital world, while offering great connectivity, often demands continuous engagement. WhatsApp is no different. For many of us, maintaining a constant online presence can feel overwhelming. Thankfully, WhatsApp provides a solution for such moments - the 'invisible mode'. This article aims to guide you on how to activate this feature and maintain your online privacy.

Understanding Invisible Mode on WhatsApp

The invisible mode in WhatsApp is essentially a combination of features that makes you appear offline, even when you're actively using the app. Although WhatsApp doesn't officially have an 'invisible mode', you can achieve a similar effect by tweaking certain settings.

How to Activate Invisible Mode on WhatsApp

Here are the steps to create your invisible presence on WhatsApp:

Step 1: Disable 'Last Seen'

Open WhatsApp and go to 'Settings' > 'Account' > 'Privacy' > 'Last Seen'. Here, select 'Nobody'. This way, no one can see when you were last online.

Step 2: Turn Off 'Read Receipts'

In the 'Privacy' menu, uncheck the box that says 'Read Receipts'. This will prevent others from knowing when you've read their messages. However, remember that this will also prevent you from seeing read receipts from others.

How to Activate Invisible Mode on WhatsApp

Step 3: Disable 'Delivery Receipts'

WhatsApp doesn't allow users to disable delivery receipts (the double grey ticks that indicate a message has been delivered). However, these ticks only turn blue when you open the chat, so as long as you don't open the chat, the sender won't know if you've read the message.

Step 4: Turn Off Your Online Status

This is a bit tricky because WhatsApp doesn't allow you to turn off your online status. Whenever you're on WhatsApp, people can see that you're online. But if you're quick and careful, you can avoid this. Use the 'pop-up notifications' to read and reply to messages without opening the app.

Step 5: Set Your Status to Only Share With Yourself

In 'Status Privacy' settings, select 'Only Share With...' and don't select any contacts. This will ensure that no one can see your status updates.

Remember, these adjustments aren't a foolproof 'invisible mode' but they can significantly enhance your privacy while using the app. You'll be able to maintain a low-key presence and interact at your own pace. Keep checking our site for more tech hacks that make your digital experiences smoother and more controlled.

Read also: How do I change my profile picture, name, or status?