How to secure and protect yourself from being tracked on WhatsApp?

As a global messaging platform, WhatsApp has become an integral part of our daily communication. But with increasing concerns over privacy, it's essential to understand how you can protect yourself from being tracked on WhatsApp. In this article, we'll walk you through several key steps to ensure your WhatsApp usage remains private and secure.

1. Enable Two-Step Verification

Two-step verification adds an extra layer of protection to your account. To enable this, go to Settings > Account > Two-step verification > Enable. You'll be prompted to enter a six-digit PIN, which you will need to provide when registering your phone number with WhatsApp.

2. Be Cautious with Shared Links

Phishing scams often use shared links to install tracking software on your device. Always be wary of links shared by unknown contacts. Even when a link comes from a known contact, verify with them before clicking it.

3. Control Who Can See Your Information

WhatsApp allows you to control who can see your last seen, profile photo, about, and status updates. You can find these options in Settings > Account > Privacy. It's advisable to change these to 'My Contacts' or 'Nobody' to limit the information accessible to potential trackers.

4. Disable Live Location

While sharing your live location can be useful in some situations, it can also be used to track your movements. Ensure this is turned off when not needed, and only share your live location with trusted contacts.

5. Watch Out for Suspicious Apps

Third-party apps claiming to offer additional features for WhatsApp may actually be disguising tracking software. Stick to the official WhatsApp application and avoid downloading suspicious apps.

6. Update Regularly

Keep your WhatsApp application up-to-date. Updates often include security patches that fix vulnerabilities, making it harder for anyone to track or hack your account.

7. Be Wary of WhatsApp Web

If you use WhatsApp Web, ensure to log out after each session, especially when using a public or shared computer. Someone can track your messages and activity if you remain logged in.

In conclusion, while WhatsApp offers robust privacy and security features, including end-to-end encryption, your privacy also depends on how you use these features. Being aware of potential threats and taking steps to mitigate them is crucial to protecting yourself from being tracked on WhatsApp. Stay safe and secure in your digital communications.

Read also: Can I put a password on WhatsApp?