How do I block or unblock a contact for Nokia s60?

Blocking contacts will prevent messages they send from reaching you and prevent them from seeing some of your information. For more information on what blocking does, read this article.

To block a contact that is saved in your phone

  1. On WhatsApp's main screen go to Options > Settings > General > Privacy > Blocked.
  2. Click on + or Options > Add contact and choose the contact you wish to block.
  3. Click Back (or the arrow sign) and select Yes to save the changes.

To block a number that is not saved on your phone

  1. Open the chat window with the unknown contact.
  2. Go to Options > Block.

To unblock contacts

  1. On WhatsApp's main screen go to Options > Settings > General > Privacy > Blocked.
  2. Select the contact you wish to unblock.
  3. On touch screen phones: Press Yes when prompted to remove contact.
    On physical keyboard phones: Click Options > Remove > Yes.
  4. Press Back and press Yes to save the changes.

Alternatively, you can send a message to the contact you blocked, and you will be prompted with a message to unblock that contact.

To learn more about how to delete someone from your Favorites or contacts list, read this article.

Learn how to block or unblock a contact on: Android | iPhone | Windows Phone | Nokia S40 | BlackBerry | BlackBerry 10

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