Can I put a password on WhatsApp?

Yes, you can put a password on WhatsApp to add an extra layer of security to your conversations and personal data. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Using the built-in App Lock feature:
  • Open WhatsApp and go to "Settings".
  • Tap on "Account" and then "Privacy".
  • Scroll down and tap on "Fingerprint lock" or "Screen lock".
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to set up a password, PIN, or use your device's biometric authentication (such as fingerprint or face recognition) to unlock WhatsApp.
  1. Using third-party apps:
  • Download and install a third-party app that can lock other apps, such as AppLock or Norton App Lock.
  • Open the app and set up a password or PIN.
  • Choose WhatsApp from the list of apps and enable app lock for it.

Keep in mind that using a third-party app to lock WhatsApp may not be as secure as using the built-in App Lock feature, as the app may have access to your personal data.

WhatsApp Support Team